7 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT SHINGLES: 1 - Anyone who has had chickenpox can get shingles. Shingles is the reactivation of the chickenpox virus, which usually stays dormant within the body for many years. 2 - Shingles can be mild or very serious. Complications and pain can last for years. 3. Shingles is associated with aging and reduced immunity. 4.Shingles cases in the US are increasing over time. The reasons for this trend are not known. 5. There currently are two shingles vaccines approved by the FDA: Zostavax, produced by Merck, and Shingrix, produced by GSK.. Research both before making a decision. 6. Shingles is not contagious as shingles. But a child or adult who touches shingles blisters in the active stage may get chickenpox. 7. If you think you are getting shingles, try to get the antivirals right away. They are most effective within the first 72 hours.